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Montreal Quakers


To those who find a spiritual home in our meeting, we encourage you to consider making a monthly donation to help support the running of the meeting. Our members and regular attenders donate their time and skills to keep the meeting running, so most of our expenses are simply overhead.

Your donations make possible functions such as:

  • Rental of the room used for Meeting for Worship every Sunday, and Wednesdays for Midweek Meeting
  • Listing of information about our Meeting on a website
  • Supporting the work of Canadian Yearly Meeting
  • Purchasing pamphlets and books for Montreal Meeting
  • Travel expenses for speakers and delegates
  • Donations to worthy causes approved by Montreal Meeting

Thank you for your consideration.

We do not pass a collections plate during Meeting on Sunday. In order to donate, you may:

  1. Use the CanadaHelps form below.
  2. Use our donation box at meeting.
  3. Make a cheque payable to “Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Montreal Monthly Meeting”, mailed c/o Montreal Quakers, 1090 Greene Ave., H3Z 1Z9.

Donations of over $10 are eligible for a tax receipt, as the meeting is a CRA registered charity (CRA registration #892605163 RR 0001).